Welcome to The Crossroads.
Whether you are in the mood for nourishment, relaxation or adventure, you have come to the right place.

Open Sundays:
1:00 P.M-4:30PM (EST)

Ultros | Goblet | W12 | P42

Discord Rules:
-Don't post anything that breaks USA Laws or Discord's Terms of Service.
-Do not post Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content in any form, pictures, or written word, outside of memes and shitposting.
-No political or religious discussion of any kind.
-Names in this Discord must reflect your in-game character's name to avoid confusion. We do not accept the impersonation of other users.
-All interactions require consent. If consent is revoked for any reason, that action must be stopped. Not stopping will be dealt with by the Managers.
-There is Zero Tolerance for (including but not limited to) racism, sexism, slurs, ableism, etc.
-Always treat others with respect and consideration; always respect the views of others, even if they don't agree with you.
-Do not type comments in picture channels; place comments in Over the Table (be sure to tag the appropriate person to grab their attention).
-No advertising in the DMs of any member of this Discord or in your profile. Begging and Spam are always unacceptable.
-If a member of Staff tells you to stop, stop. If you do not, warnings and further consequences will be dealt to the offending parties. On the same hand, please respect the Staff. They work very hard to keep this Discord safe and constructive for all users.
-During opening hours, do not change any mod. No NSFW mods. If you need to change a mod, leave the building to fix it before coming back into the building.
-Don't use NSFW emojis..

Non-RP Forums:
-All interactions require consent. If consent is revoked for any reason, that action must be stopped. Not stopping will be dealt with by the Managers.
-Do not post Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content in any form, pictures or written word, outside of memes and shitposting.
-No political or religious discussion of any kind.
-Always respect the view of others, even if they don't agree with you.
-Stay on Topic. These forums have been created for a specific purpose. Please stay within the boundaries of the subject matter.
-Credit every Screenshot with who took it.
-Any extreme depictions of violence (examples including but not limited to: Blood, Open wounds, Dismemberment, Impalement, Implication of Death) has to be Spoilered with a Tag of what's involved with the screenshot.
-Be constructive. It’s okay to disagree with others, in fact we encourage debate, just keep the dialogue positive.
-The Venting Channel is the place to go to complain and be negative about things/events/celebrities/etc, but not people in the community. If you have a problem with someone in the Community, take it to said person or to a Manager in DMs.
-If you feel that someone has insulted you, report their comment to Minty Nishikawa . Do not perpetuate the dispute. The Manager(s) will take a look at the offending comment and decide whether it should be removed.

First-time violators of content or conduct will have their posts removed by managers and will receive a friendly reminder from the moderators about the rules for the server. Second-time violators can be muted by the managers for a period of time or indefinitely pending review. The third violation is a complete ban from the server.


Minty Nishikawa


Ebi Nishikawa

Lilith Kilian

Zatarah Deadsong

Adventure Guides

Arkaous Stormswrath

Leah Dawnstar

Venue Staff

Arya Satrinava

Jane Venandi

Tessa Moore

Adventure Ranking System

Here at The Crossroads, you can climb through the ranks of Novice, Experienced and Veteran. Each rank giving its own set of perks within the venue as well as the discord server.
To climb the ranks of this system adventurers will be sent out on various quests by staff.These quests will be rewarded based on difficulty and at the discretion of the staff member or veteran posting it.
Proof of the completion of quests will be determined by screenshots, staff accompanying you on said quest or retrieval of the special item on item retrieval quests.


This can occur if you don't take a quest for a whole month, however there are ways to prevent that:A) Visiting the venue to grab a quest or participate in a event we hold!
B) Taking upon one of the quests that are posted in the bounty board in the discord server and completing it before the month is over


RANK 1 (Novice)
Complete a starter quest
RANK 2 (Experienced)
Complete 3 rank 1 quests and then take a rank-up quest.
1. Higher rewards.
2. One free drink
RANK 3 (Veteran)
Complete 4 rank 2 quests then take a rank-up quest.
1. Post quests for other patrons to complete.
2. Plan personal RP Story progressions to occur at venue.
3. Highest rewards.
5. One free meal & drink
6. The ability to propose possible events future
7. To take on even higher rank quests

The fun doesn't end at Veteran Rank!
Once you reach that rank you'll be invited to enter our Prestige Ranks

RP Rooms

Here at The Crossroads, we have a number of rooms for you to story build in.
Please feel free to use them!!

The Library

The Workshop

Aether Lab






Dueling at the Crossroads is not only available, it's encouraged! Have someone doubting your prowess? Eager to show off a new skill or technique? Or do you wish you just bash your head against a friend to settle a debate?
All and more are welcome so long as you follow these rules:
1: Any and all fights must have the consent of both parties. If at anypoint during the duel it is revoked, any and all actions will cease immediately.
2: Be on the same page as one another before starting the fight. Set a tone for the fight be it serious, jovial or friendly. We do not want others to be mocked or put down solely due to anothers inabilty to read the room or 'show-off'.
3: Keep Power levels at the door. Just because you write an overpowered god who can merely snap another out of existence without a second thought, doesn't mean you should. Don't revel in your powerfantasy at the expense of others.
4: Respect your fellow patrons and staff. Listen to what each other has to say or feel.

With those rules and terms read and accepted, we here at The Crossroads do duels at the barest levels. To encourage those fresh to RP while also keeping veterans of the craft entertained!
How the flow of our duels work is as follows:
We roll off a '3-hit point' or 'First to Three' system at The Crossroads, meaning the first to be dealt three points of damage will be declared the loser! Each attack is only allowed to deal one point of damage per success, so no multi-hits or specials are allowed here!
Both players will roll either a /random or a /random 20 (Whichever the parties decide on.) The higher of the two will gain advantage and be the ones to start off the duel! From here on, the winner of the initial roll will be referred to as 'The Attacker' and the loser of the roll will be referred to as 'The Defender'.
The Attacker will then write up their opening attack then roll a /random 20 for Attack, to which the Defender will a /random 20 for defense.
-On the success of The Attacker, The Defender will take one point of damage!
-On the success of The Defender, The Attackers roll will be nullified and no damage will be taken!
Once the roll resolves, it will no be The Defenders turn to attack! They'll write their reaction to The Attackers result, success or failure, and then write their own attack followed by rolling a /random 20.
The results of which will be the same as before:
-On the success of The Defender, The Attacker will take one point of damage!
-On the success of The Attackers, The Defenders roll will be nullified and no damage will be taken!
And you then repeat the process from the top until either one of you ends up on the floor!For the case of rolling the same number (Though it's rare it does happen!), we allow the parties to decide what they wish to do with the results. The two can either reroll, call the attack null or have both take a hit a damage! It's your creation, make of it what you will so long as it's agreed upon!Any questions or concerns, don't be afraid to voice them to either Minty Nishikawa or Ebi Nishikawa